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Transport anything from anywhere

Railway Transportation

In addition to safety, the delivery of goods by rail is convenient for several reasons. We can highlight the main ones:

  • The developed network of highways allows to carry out cargo transportation by railway transport throughout Europe and Asia. On geography delivery with him can compete only automobile transport.
  • International rail freight does not depend on the time of year and weather conditions. This makes them radically different from all other types of delivery.
  • An important feature is the versatility of rail transport. Universal or specialized rolling stock is used for each type of cargo. The carrying capacity of wagons reaches 125 Transport certain types of goods in one continent is generally considered the prerogative of railway transport. For example, metal, grain, petroleum products, cement, ores, or coal.

How to order cargo transportation by railway cars

To order cargo transportation by rail of any goods is enough to fill out an request on the website. We do not have an online calculator for calculating the cost, because such services give only approximate results. They do not take into account the characteristics of the goods, the amount of customs duties or the need for certification for some products. As a result, actual and estimated figures may differ significantly. We initially take into account all the variable data for your specific application and issue the final shipping cost.

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Types of goods transported by rail

In addition to the usual goods transported in rail and sea containers by rail, railway transport can carry the following goods:

  • bulk (brick, ore, coal, wood, etc.);
  • bulk (grain, sand, gravel, etc.);
  • dangerous (gasoline, liquefied gas, oil, acids, etc.);
  • bulk (sunflower oil, alcohol, molasses, etc.);
  • quarantine (raw sugar, coffee beans, vegetables, etc.);
  • heavy (construction and agricultural machinery, petrochemical equipment, boilers, etc.);
  • controlled by the state veterinary Supervision (canned fish, meat and dairy products, animal feed, etc.).

Types of wagons for transportation

Railway transportation of goods can be carried out by several types of rolling stock:

  • closed bottom and hatch covers gondolas (for goods which are not afraid of atmospheric influences);
  • covered wagons (for delivery of household appliances, furniture or clothing);
  • isothermal wagons (for transportation of goods with limited shelf life);
  • refrigerators (for transportation of food products);
  • hoppers (for delivery of grain or cement);
  • universal or fitting platforms (for transportation of metal, oversized cargocontainers);
  • transporters (for delivery of heavy and bulky cargoes);
  • tanks (for transportation of liquid cargoes).